With more than 25 years of transformational experience across HR, finance, payroll, and shared services, Kimberly has extensive experience in strategic long-range planning, process optimization, and guiding clients through their transformational journey. As Managing Principal and co-leader of IA, Kimberly supports the needs of some of the largest, high-growth, dynamic, global organizations in the world with an emphasis on strategic vision, productivity improvement, internal realignment, governance, and prioritization. Her passion and focus for innovation and change drives Kimberly, and she uses a practical approach to every client and is a proven expert and leader in improving every aspect of HR, payroll, and shared services. Kimberly is renowned for serving as an independent sounding board, therapist, and mentor to all whom she encounters.

Transformation readiness: Avoiding the trap of HR fads with a strong foundation

By Kimberly Carroll / Jun 26, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of human resources, senior HR leaders are often enticed by the allure of the latest trends and technological innovations. In our work with organizations, we often hear about the pressures to adopt some new, shiny solution or “ways of working” without fully understanding what problem it’s supposed to solve. While […]

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By Kimberly Carroll / Feb 29, 2024

[This month’s newsletter comes from Managing Principal and IA co-leader Kimberly Carroll.] At IA we have unlimited time off, but do you really think we as leaders truly take advantage of it? Of course…NOT. To be completely honest, I have always struggled with taking time, but I’ve come to realize that this downtime is critically […]

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3 HR transformation trends from 2023—and 1 bold prediction for next year

By Kimberly Carroll / Dec 21, 2023

Well, it’s that magical time of year again when thought leaders and experts from across the globe look into their crystal ball and try to predict what’s going to happen in the coming year. While many of the predictions are destined to flop, there is still something to be learned from the exercise. Sometimes, it’s illuminating […]

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The importance of prioritization

By Kimberly Carroll / Oct 23, 2023

During our keynote at the HR Tech Conference this year, Mark Stelzner and I discussed the idea of “HR tech debt.” We covered a lot of ground during our session, and we were glad to hear the topic resonated with the attendees. One of the causes of HR tech debt we highlighted was a lack of prioritization. During […]

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When it comes to provider selection, size shouldn’t matter

By Kimberly Carroll / Jul 26, 2023

One of the aspects about my job that I love the most is being able to help organizations navigate complex transformations. Sometimes these transformations stem from thoughtful planning and strategic alignment, and sometimes they are required because of an emergent need, such as a sunsetting technology. While the reasons organizations transform might be different, the […]

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Global Shared Services: Improving the employee experience to drive success

By Kimberly Carroll / Apr 24, 2023

Increasing economic pressures and a desire for an elevated employee experience has organizations working to find ways to offer more services for less cost. Many organizations have increased their interest in deploying a Shared Services model, particularly for global organizations. The concept of a Shared Service model is not new, but Human Resources is just […]

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Spring break, IA-style

By Kimberly Carroll / Apr 24, 2023

I love my job and I love my IA family!  I love working with our clients, helping them work through difficult problems, challenging them to think differently about their work. And because I love my job so much, I work…a lot. In fact, everyone at IA tends to give their all to our clients, leaving […]

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Providers: Think “partner” first

By Kimberly Carroll / Mar 21, 2023

I love the work that I get to do within companies.   Part of the secret sauce that makes us the “anti-consulting consulting firm” and successful is the time we spend getting to know our clients – both as businesses and as people. Knowing there isn’t a one size fits all in transformation, we approach it […]

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Stop blaming your culture for failed change

By Kimberly Carroll / Aug 5, 2022

In our work with organizations, we hear all sorts of reasons why change won’t work – managers don’t know what they’re supposed to do, there isn’t enough capacity to tackle it right now, there’s no funding. But our favorite one we hear more and more often is, “Our culture would never allow it.”   This is […]

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Continuous Improvement: The Transformation that never ends

By Kimberly Carroll / May 22, 2022

Note: A version of this post first appeared on hrexecutive.com in May 2022. Imagine your organization has just gone through a major transformation. After several years of hard work, with many employees working extra hours to get the program to the finish line, everyone is ready for a break! The day-to-day rhythm of work resumes […]

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