With more than 25 years of transformational experience across HR, finance, payroll, and shared services, Kimberly has extensive experience in strategic long-range planning, process optimization, and guiding clients through their transformational journey. As Managing Principal and co-leader of IA, Kimberly supports the needs of some of the largest, high-growth, dynamic, global organizations in the world with an emphasis on strategic vision, productivity improvement, internal realignment, governance, and prioritization. Her passion and focus for innovation and change drives Kimberly, and she uses a practical approach to every client and is a proven expert and leader in improving every aspect of HR, payroll, and shared services. Kimberly is renowned for serving as an independent sounding board, therapist, and mentor to all whom she encounters.


The Lost Art of QA in HR Transformation

By Kimberly Carroll / Sep 24, 2018

How often does quality assurance come up in your HR team’s conversations? The quick answer, from what I’m seeing: Not enough. I think that QA in HR transformation is fundamentally broken. Here’s what happened: Instead of using on-site, home-grown technology and solutions, most HR departments are moving to cloud-based, self-service platforms. While we used to […]

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Service in SaaS

We Need to Remember the ‘Service’ in SaaS

By Kimberly Carroll / Jun 19, 2018

It’s hard — if not impossible — to find a large company that doesn’t use some form of software-as-a-service (SaaS). Even small and medium-sized businesses have gone to the cloud and adopted Saas: according to one report, 94 percent of companies have adopted SaaS. We often guide our clients to sign contracts with major SaaS […]

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Is Daily Pay the Right Choice for Your Organization?

By Kimberly Carroll / May 22, 2018

The unemployment rate in the U.S. is near an all-time low. As a result, companies are fighting for talent. If an hourly retail worker is earning $10 an hour but can go to another company and make $10.50 an hour, that employee may well leave — quickly. In this labor market, companies need to get […]

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3 Big Changes in Talent Acquisition Software I Hope We See in 2018

By Kimberly Carroll / Feb 2, 2018

If you could make one major change to your HR tech stack to improve your candidates’ lives, what would it be? Are candidates annoyed that they can’t apply for a job from their phones? Do they get lost in the shuffle of your databases? Does the recruiting process just take too long? Talent acquisition software […]

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