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Is program management HR’s secret weapon for business transformation?

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are increasingly seeking ways to adapt and thrive amid rapid changes. As businesses face the pressures of digital/technology transformation, evolving market demands and a shifting workforce, HR departments are finding that their “secret weapon” is program management, which has emerged as a crucial yet often...

Transformation readiness: Avoiding the trap of HR fads with a strong foundation

In the rapidly evolving landscape of human resources, senior HR leaders are often enticed by the allure of the latest trends and technological innovations. In our work with organizations, we often hear about the pressures to adopt some new, shiny solution or “ways of working” without fully understanding what problem...

Balancing on the Transformation Tightrope

In the world of HR transformation, senior leaders often find themselves on a precarious tightrope. On one side, there’s the need to build organizational capacity, ensuring that teams have enough resources, infrastructure, and bandwidth to execute on the business’s strategic initiatives. On the other side, there is the ongoing need...
quality of hire

Is Quality of Hire a Real Metric?

Trying to find the right way to communicate the success of your talent acquisition strategy can be an uphill battle. It’s one that is becoming more and more important as there are mixed messages about the health of the hiring industry. On one end of the spectrum, job creation appears to be...
The image show humanoid robots sitting at desks and working.

Why employee experience is resurging in the era of AI

n the race to adopt cutting-edge technologies, organizations often overlook the heartbeat of their success: their employees. The concept of employee experience certainly isn’t new, and it encompasses every interaction an employee has with their workplace, from recruitment to retirement. It’s the emotional journey that shapes their commitment, motivation and overall satisfaction,...

HR transformation in 2024: Doing more with less

Working in human resources is not for the faint of heart. We’re nearly a month into 2024, and the breakneck pace of enterprise-wide business transformation has not slowed, yet the day-to-day support of the organization continues. With a balance of strategic partnership and tactical execution, business leaders rely heavily on their senior...

3 HR transformation trends from 2023—and 1 bold prediction for next year

Well, it’s that magical time of year again when thought leaders and experts from across the globe look into their crystal ball and try to predict what’s going to happen in the coming year. While many of the predictions are destined to flop, there is still something to be learned from...

Fanning the Flames of a Faltering Transformation

A close colleague of mine was asked to facilitate a workshop with senior leadership of an organization wrestling with their ways of working. To describe the session as challenging would be an understatement, as they were immediately faced with either bored indifference or outright hostility. They shared that it was...

The challenge of skills-based hiring

When you trace the history of hiring after the Industrial Revolution, you don’t have to go back very far to realize that a lot of it was tied to who you knew and how you presented yourself. It was all too easy to fabricate a backstory that looked good on...

The importance of prioritization

During our keynote at the HR Tech Conference this year, Mark Stelzner and I discussed the idea of “HR tech debt.” We covered a lot of ground during our session, and we were glad to hear the topic resonated with the attendees. One of the causes of HR tech debt we highlighted was...

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