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6 Consumer Trends HR Can’t Ignore

6 Consumer Trends HR Can’t Ignore

There is a simple truth about why HR has gotten harder: Employees expect their experience at work to match what they’ve grown used to as consumers. Buy groceries from your smartphone and pick them up without ever walking down a produce aisle. Get personalized product recommendations based on your browsing...

3 Big Changes in Talent Acquisition Software I Hope We See in 2018

If you could make one major change to your HR tech stack to improve your candidates’ lives, what would it be? Are candidates annoyed that they can’t apply for a job from their phones? Do they get lost in the shuffle of your databases? Does the recruiting process just take...
workforce analytics mistakes

How to Avoid ‘Fake News’ in Your Workforce Analytics

You’ve worked for days on a presentation for your company’s executives. They have asked for a few simple answers about the company’s people. You crunch the numbers, double-check your math, and present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation. Everything goes perfectly — with one major exception: Finance delivered a report...
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HR Technology Conference & Exposition (2024)

august 2024 news

consultant-proof your business


Is program management HR’s secret weapon for business transformation?


winds of change


Transformation readiness: Avoiding the trap of HR fads with a strong foundation


new look. who dis?


From fist pounding to fast friends – a tale of transformation

The image show humanoid robots sitting at desks and working.

Why employee experience is resurging in the era of AI




EPIC HR: Elevate People, Ignite Change

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