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The Lost Art of QA in HR Transformation

How often does quality assurance come up in your HR team’s conversations? The quick answer, from what I’m seeing: Not enough. I think that QA in HR transformation is fundamentally broken. Here’s what happened: Instead of using on-site, home-grown technology and solutions, most HR departments are moving to cloud-based, self-service...
How to Move a Team Past ‘This Is the Way We've Always Done Things’

How to Move a Team Past ‘This Is the Way We’ve Always Done Things’

HR transformation: How exciting! Shiny new tech to use. Streamlined processes. Way more time to work on the important parts of your job. But wait. What’s that noise I hear, way in the back? It’s the sound of HR employees who have done their work the same way for years...

The Power of the HR Community #ATributeToElle

Jason Seiden is a steadfast figure within the HR community. He’s taught us how to Self-Destruct, the power of storytelling, and the marriage of high-tech and high-touch. He’s presented at hundreds of conferences, coached dozens of executives, blogged, vlogged, and loaned his expertise to anyone who needed his incredibly unique...

PSA: HR Tech Won’t Solve Your Messy Processes

Congratulations! You have selected a shiny new system for payroll, or time tracking, or performance management. I can absolutely guarantee that your new HR tech will dramatically improve your life and the lives of everyone who touches it. Just kidding. Here’s the truth, which I see every day: new and...
Service in SaaS

We Need to Remember the ‘Service’ in SaaS

It’s hard — if not impossible — to find a large company that doesn’t use some form of software-as-a-service (SaaS). Even small and medium-sized businesses have gone to the cloud and adopted Saas: according to one report, 94 percent of companies have adopted SaaS. We often guide our clients to...
Unassigned Seating at Work A Passing Trend or Here to Stay

Unassigned Seating at Work: A Passing Trend or Here to Stay?

Hoteling. Unassigned seating. These may sound like terms you would find on a travel website, but they’re actually part of a new workplace vocabulary. You might also call your informal seating arrangement hot desking, free address or collective use. Unassigned seating means first-come, first-served. Anyone can sit anywhere they’d like....
HR paperless

Let’s Get Rid of the Paper, (HR) People!

“In God we trust; all others must document” might be the unofficial slogan of HR. We love documenting everything, in triplicate, and often on paper. And there’s good reason for that — HR is responsible for managing a company’s most sensitive and important information. From salaries to disciplinary actions, it’s...

Is Daily Pay the Right Choice for Your Organization?

The unemployment rate in the U.S. is near an all-time low. As a result, companies are fighting for talent. If an hourly retail worker is earning $10 an hour but can go to another company and make $10.50 an hour, that employee may well leave — quickly. In this labor...

How to Build a Business Case for Your HR Transformation

Transformation. I spend almost every day helping organizations think about it. That word is weighty — it makes me think of a long, dramatic journey. A big change that builds over time. An impressive, memorable change. So it would stand to reason that HR transformations require a lot of work...

Your Change-Management Plan Is Missing the First Step

If you’re working on a project that will radically change the status quo for a large group of people, you probably have a long list of to-dos. You assemble a formal change-management plan that includes steps like: Assess the need for change. Analyze the impact the change will make. Engage...
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Not All Admins Want to Be Strategists


Recruiting strategy is hard when you can’t do the basics

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