From fist pounding to fast friends – a tale of transformation

From fist pounding to fast friends – a tale of transformation


Mark is the Founder and Managing Principal of IA, applying over thirty years of experience in the implementation of internal and external HR transformational initiatives for public and private sector clientele worldwide. By offering unbiased and candid advice to C-level leaders in nearly all geographies and vertical market segments, Mark has brought billions of dollars’ worth of value to his clients and employers. He has spent his career fostering relationships through attention to detail, natural curiosity, and a self-deprecating sense of humor.


When I first started working on organizational transformations many years ago, I had the misguided notion that sharing my expertise as much as possible equated to value. That typically meant talking… a lot. One day, a leader finally told me to “shut the **** up.” She said it seven times in a row while pounding her fist on the table after each word. That’s twenty-eight pounds. It was at that moment that I finally understood my role. To listen, to learn, and to guide – not to pontificate.

I immediately made a fundamental shift in my approach and led with curiosity. I asked about her experiences, frustrations, and aspirations. I listened intently, not just to her words but to the emotions behind them. What became readily apparent is that the foundation of a successful transformation doesn’t start with best practices, templates, or spreadsheets; it starts with the stories – the raw, unfiltered narratives of people’s work and lives.

It’s tempting to want to prove our intelligence, to showcase our brilliance, and earn recognition. Unfortunately, making this our sole motivation can hinder our willingness to grow and learn, and makes us intensely resistant to vulnerability. We hesitate to ask questions for fear of exposing gaps in our knowledge.

By shifting to a “be interested” mentality, we as leaders unlock the potential of those we seek to transform. It propels us to explore uncharted territories, challenge assumptions, and seek out new solutions. When we approach problems with curiosity, we open ourselves to a wealth of possibilities. We foster a growth mindset within our organizations and encourage adaptability by greeting change with “what if?” instead of “what about me?”. This in turn fuels problem-solving, encouraging the exploration of alternative paths and the discovery of novel solutions.

Back to that fist pounding leader. Seven months after the epiphany, we were having dinner and she shared her surprise at how quickly I had adapted, and the true value that resulted. I shared how glad I was that she stopped telling me to “shut the **** up.” We could not stop laughing.

At IA, we embrace curiosity as the driving force behind any transformation and encourage you to do the same! Let’s ask questions, explore uncharted territories, and remain open to the unexpected. After all, it’s not about proving how smart we are—it’s about discovering how much more we can learn.

Warm regards,

Mark Stelzner Founder/Managing Principal/Shutting Up, IA

Voice of HR

Balancing on the Transformation Tightrope

In a recent article, Mark Stelzner discusses the ongoing struggle for HR leaders to balance capacity and capability in transformation.

Where you can find us

We’re finally getting a little bit of a breather from the rush of Spring Conference Season, but that doesn’t mean you can’t catch more of us:

Podcast: Kimberly Carroll sat down for a compelling conversation with Adam Weber on 15Five’s podcast HR Superstars exploring the importance of building trust among teams and the vital role of strategic process mapping in HR’s future.

September 24-26, 2024: IA is once again pleased to share that they will be presenting a panel at this year’s HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas. Stay tuned for more information!

On Our Radar

There will come a day when we don’t mention AI in this section. But that is not today.

ChapGPT-4o has been given emotions. What could possibly go wrong?

Recent studies support the idea that we have lost more than good handwriting when we stopped learning cursive.

About IA

As trusted advisors to senior leaders, IA supports strategic initiatives that transform the way organizations work.

Our seasoned team of professionals apply a revolutionary eye, deep domain experience, and flexible tools to accelerate the achievement of even the most ambitious goals. With a cross-functional, strategic perspective, we thrive on big, messy problems. Whether large or small, public or private, domestic or international, it’s our job to support leaders and their teams in achieving outcomes that are truly unique to their culture and objectives.

Every organization has a catalyst for change – learn more at

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Mark Stelzner



When I first started working on organizational transformations many years ago, I had the misguided notion that sharing my expertise as much as possible equated to value. That typically meant talking… a lot. One day, a leader finally told me to “shut the **** up.” She said it seven times in a row while pounding her fist on the table after each word. That’s twenty-eight pounds. It was at that moment that I finally understood my role. To listen, to learn, and to guide – not to pontificate.

I immediately made a fundamental shift in my approach and led with curiosity. I asked about her experiences, frustrations, and aspirations. I listened intently, not just to her words but to the emotions behind them. What became readily apparent is that the foundation of a successful transformation doesn’t start with best practices, templates, or spreadsheets; it starts with the stories – the raw, unfiltered narratives of people’s work and lives.

It’s tempting to want to prove our intelligence, to showcase our brilliance, and earn recognition. Unfortunately, making this our sole motivation can hinder our willingness to grow and learn, and makes us intensely resistant to vulnerability. We hesitate to ask questions for fear of exposing gaps in our knowledge.

By shifting to a “be interested” mentality, we as leaders unlock the potential of those we seek to transform. It propels us to explore uncharted territories, challenge assumptions, and seek out new solutions. When we approach problems with curiosity, we open ourselves to a wealth of possibilities. We foster a growth mindset within our organizations and encourage adaptability by greeting change with “what if?” instead of “what about me?”. This in turn fuels problem-solving, encouraging the exploration of alternative paths and the discovery of novel solutions.

Back to that fist pounding leader. Seven months after the epiphany, we were having dinner and she shared her surprise at how quickly I had adapted, and the true value that resulted. I shared how glad I was that she stopped telling me to “shut the **** up.” We could not stop laughing.

At IA, we embrace curiosity as the driving force behind any transformation and encourage you to do the same! Let’s ask questions, explore uncharted territories, and remain open to the unexpected. After all, it’s not about proving how smart we are—it’s about discovering how much more we can learn.

Warm regards,

Mark Stelzner Founder/Managing Principal/Shutting Up, IA

Voice of HR

Balancing on the Transformation Tightrope

In a recent article, Mark Stelzner discusses the ongoing struggle for HR leaders to balance capacity and capability in transformation.

Where you can find us

We’re finally getting a little bit of a breather from the rush of Spring Conference Season, but that doesn’t mean you can’t catch more of us:

Podcast: Kimberly Carroll sat down for a compelling conversation with Adam Weber on 15Five’s podcast HR Superstars exploring the importance of building trust among teams and the vital role of strategic process mapping in HR’s future.

September 24-26, 2024: IA is once again pleased to share that they will be presenting a panel at this year’s HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas. Stay tuned for more information!

On Our Radar

There will come a day when we don’t mention AI in this section. But that is not today.

ChapGPT-4o has been given emotions. What could possibly go wrong?

Recent studies support the idea that we have lost more than good handwriting when we stopped learning cursive.

About IA

As trusted advisors to senior leaders, IA supports strategic initiatives that transform the way organizations work.

Our seasoned team of professionals apply a revolutionary eye, deep domain experience, and flexible tools to accelerate the achievement of even the most ambitious goals. With a cross-functional, strategic perspective, we thrive on big, messy problems. Whether large or small, public or private, domestic or international, it’s our job to support leaders and their teams in achieving outcomes that are truly unique to their culture and objectives.

Every organization has a catalyst for change – learn more at

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