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Reflections on the rebound

Recently, I was asked to provide some perspective on my return to full-time at IA, as more and more employees are returning – or thinking about returning – to organizations they had previously left. Where do I begin? See, I’m not a boomerang in the traditional sense because I was...

Transformation IS storytelling

Note: A version of this post first appeared on in September 2022. I remember the first time I saw the movie Inception. From the initial scene of a man washed up on a beach, I was hooked. The imagery, the music, the themes, the underlying question as to whether...
carnival_august 2022

The Carnival of HR is here!

IA is pleased to be hosting the Carnival of HR for August 2022. Yes, it's the last day of August, but it still counts, so hush. This month, we focused on the theme of Total Rewards. Organizations are starting to shift the way they think about retaining their employees, focusing...

Scenario planning: the power of “what if” thinking

Note: A version of this post appeared on in July 2022. A good beginning makes a good end.  Louis L'Amour As we have noted in previous columns, most organizations recognize the need for change, with much of that change being driven by the need to update policies, processes, and...

Transformation and the art of stakeholder management

Note: A version of this post appeared on in June 2022. Imagine planning a party.   And not just any party. You identified the date, the location, and even the mind-blowing theme. You poured over the playlist, the food, and an impressive assortment of drink options. You even binge-researched the...

Continuous Improvement: The Transformation that never ends

Note: A version of this post first appeared on in May 2022. Imagine your organization has just gone through a major transformation. After several years of hard work, with many employees working extra hours to get the program to the finish line, everyone is ready for a break! The...

The provider / client relationship: Part II – addressing bullying behaviors

In this 2-part series, the IA team explores some of the “bullying” tactics we observe between clients and technology providers, and potential solutions for healthier, long-term relationships. In Part I, we defined three bullying behaviors we see clients face from solution providers. Now, in Part II, we will focus on tangible...

Failure is always an option

Note: A version of this post first appeared on in April 2022. Leaders facing transformation within their organizations are faced with a daunting task. Namely, how does one respond to a constant barrage of real-time demands WHILE maintaining the focus, capacity, and capability to fundamentally change the nature of...

The provider / client relationship: Part I – bullying behaviors

In this 2-part series, the IA team explores some of the “bullying” tactics we observe between clients and technology providers, and potential solutions for healthier, long-term relationships. In Part I, we’re defining the three main bullying tactics. In Part II, we’ll present possible solutions. What do you think of when...

The seeds of change: Preparing for transformation

Note: A version of this post first appeared on in March 2022. Imagine your organization is on the brink of explosive growth and is about to IPO. Everyone is excited about the opportunities the growth will bring, and activity is focused on ensuring Operations is ready to roll out...
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Fanning the Flames of a Faltering Transformation

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